
Posts Tagged ‘Dinesh D’SOuza. Kenneth Blackwell’

The St. Louis Tea Party Movement Challenges the Limitations of the Two Party System Offering a Reform Directive for Both

December 4, 2009 1 comment

On November 28, 4000 people gathered at in Downtown St. Louis to “blow off some steam”.  But in those four hours, we did much more than that.  St. Louis embarked on a journey to not only take the country back, but to move it beyond where it has been before.   St. Louis common sense conservatism connected with a movement to realize a dream that was wrongly associated with the current administration.  In the end, we inspired one another, scared some, angered some, and woke up almost everyone.

The primary mode of attack against the Tea Party movement has been to accuse it of being rooted in a culturally reactionary movement.  At best, they suggest that we are backward, angry, and fringe anti-government agitators, and at worst they characterize us as neo-confederate mobsters who are on the verge of seeking to succeed from the union. Many mainstream commentators and celebrities have even stated openly that the town hall and the tea parties are motivated by unliberated white people who cannot accept having a black president.  

Jeanine Garafalo was the first “high-profile” figure to make this claim, stating that “this isn’t about taxes, this is about hating a black man in the white house”.  Others who made this claim are Dave Mathews, Bill Cosby, Joy Behar, Chris Mathews, Keith Oberman, Charles Barkley, Rosanne Barr, and many others. 

By the way, those of you adhere to that notion of us, you are the ones who are prejudice.

Not one of them can produce a single piece off evidence to support this claim.  It is  an almost unprovable statement, therefore very effective for those who do not embrace logical examinations for their beliefs.

And how do they explain the presence of all the minorities involved in the movement. Michelle Malkin, Stephanie Ruben, Kenneth Gladney, Shamed Rogan, Kevin Jackson, and myself; we couldn’t all have missed the Klansmen lurking in the crowds.  They simply are not there.

Also Angela McGowen, Dinesh D’Souza, Kenneth Blackwell, Michael Steele, Alan Keyes, Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, and Walter Williams are all people of color who are not big fans of president.

On November 28, we confronted this issue head on,  as well as identifying specifically why we are dedicated to bringing this government back to its rightful position of service not control.  

Bakery owner Dave McCarther started with “they say I’m a racist”, speaking to the crowd like a football coach speaking to his beloved team.  McCarther dismissed the claim not with emphatic or defensive retorts, but by describing the love for his son, who is serving in Afghanistan.  He demonstrated the movement’s true spirit by affirming America’s moral superiority over Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and all of our other enemies.

That set the tone for the afternoon, a shared sense of the elevated role that American values and history have in this world.  In that it differed from the common media portrayal.  This is someone different from the common media portrayal of the Tea Parties as simply protests against taxes, spending, and President Obama.

This Tea Party addressed the very soul of this nation.  On that beautiful Saturday, we didn’t gather just to lament the current state of affairs.  Instead, we celebrated a unified vision of our nation’s strength, traditions, and foundation in faith.  

Stephanie Ruben conveyed this with her expert account of the greatness of our nation’s health care system.  A Post-Distpatch writer implies that she thought that our health care system was “just fine”, but this writer misses her point.  Off course the system could stand improvement, but Ruben showing how the American committment to the free markets is a strength, not a weakness.

Maybe that’s just over their heads.  Stick to articles about Kanye West and fish sticks.

Conservative talk show host and Tea Party organizer Dana Loesch spoke on an issue that  is often neglected in political discourse, the issue of faith.  Dana asserted that our rights are not granted by men or governments, but by God.  Without something beyond men, there is no common means to determine goodness, virtue, or truth. 

I was honored  to be allowed to speak to the 4000 patriots gathered that day, and it was one of the happiest moments of my life.  I was able to finally share what I’ve seen of this menace with the good people of this community.   We simply shared in an exchange about our belief that the United States of America has been the best thing that has ever happened to this world.

We have come a long way since February 27, and together we have stopped the progressive authoritarian cabal from imposing its will on our people. But we have much more work to do, as they are determined to push this subordinating agenda through despite the nation’s overwhelming objections.

Be aware that there is a much bigger fight ahead, but also take pride in the fact that you are part of a historical stand not only protect our way of life, but to make it even better.